Chemeketa Community College Applied Technology Center
Chemeketa Community College
Salem, Oregon

The $34M multi-phased expansion of Chemeketa Community College’s Applied Technology Program includes two new facilities and numerous remodels. The recently completed program analysis and feasibility study was developed over a one year period, involving participants from the 12 academic programs and their industry partners. The academic programs were engaged through workshops and facility tours, while industry partners participated in a series of symposiums on and off campus. To meet the programmatic requirements within the assigned budget, a thorough analysis of building construction types was conducted in conjunction with an equipment and material needs assessment by each program.
The implementation of this multi-phased expansion occurred over a three year period, concluding in the Fall of 2015. The expansion provides new facilities for the machining, drafting, engineering and welding, and renovation improvements for automotive, visual communications, and electronics. Individual project budgets range from $1M to $16M. This expansion also includes significant improvements to campus infrastructure and a redevelopment plan for the north portion of campus. Parallel to the building design efforts, the college’s executive leadership has been engaged in a series of workshops to determine the near and far term development goals for the campus.