Hood River Inn Gorge Room Addition
Hood River Inn
Hood River, Oregon

The Port of Hood River hired YGH to develop a master plan for a former cannery complex that helped transform Hood River’s connection to the Columbia River waterfront. YGH also completed a design for one of the first projects within the 20-acre redevelopment site called the Hood River Inn (formerly Eddie Mays Columbia River Inn). The hotel boasted the only waterfront accommodations and dining in Hood River and includes its largest, most flexible meeting space and conference facilities. With panoramic river views, water access, and private beach, the original design celebrates northwest regionalism with exposed concrete structures that support heavy timber roof and floor framing systems and simple roof forms. The building was designed to expose the majestic scenery while offering protection from changing winds and temperature variations associated with the Columbia River Gorge.
YGH developed expansion concept alternatives for the east wing building in 2010, and is currently working on a Master Plan Update, hotel redesign and conference center addition.