US Embassy Compound Islamabad, Pakistan
US Department of State
Islamabad, Pakistan
International, Planning

YGH began work on the master plan for the existing Islamabad embassy compound in late 2009. YGH provided full bridging documents for the $971 million; 1,310,470 SF project. The master plan process, which included evaluation of all existing facilities, concluded that an addition would not create the optimum facilities or deal with existing seismic deficiencies. The program for over 1,000 desks and 400 units of housing with new community center and support facilities led to evaluation of additional site acquisition of parcels to the east and west of the existing compound. A unified aesthetic was developed which utilizes a palette of three stone colors combined with colored plaster and sunscreen elements to provide continuity between all building types and unify the compound design.
A major pedestrian access was created across the site with three eight-floor housing blocks sited around new community facilities and a parking structure. The commissary and community center support the housing zone. The mixed-use consular annex building includes consular windows, a clinic, offices, a consular garden and housing also clad in stone and plaster to present a unified campus composition facing the primary entry.